Things You Need to Know When Travelling with CBD Oil
Although medical use of Cannabidiol is legalized in several states in the US and other countries, traveling with CBD oil and other products can be concerning. Can you bring it on a plane? Is it safe? What could be the consequences? The answers are complicated and when it comes to traveling with CBD products, the lines are getting even blurrier. Will you get into trouble? Are you safe if your CBD oil was derived from the Hemp plant?
This popular and safe component of cannabis, with a large list of benefits, is still regulated differently around the world. The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) in the United States says on their website that possessing any marijuana or cannabis products is legal under federal law... but regulations are different in many countries. Due to those varying regulations, there are still a few things that you need to know before packing your luggage with Cannabidiol. If you are an anxious traveler, or if you have medical conditions that allow you to use some medical CBD oil, or if you simply want to enjoy some CBD products on your holidays, keep reading!
However, marijuana-derived CBD oil is still seen as an illegal substance in most countries due to its high content of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). If you get questioned about your CBD oil or any Cannabidiol products made from the Hemp plant, you can kindly explain that it’s hemp-infused and it contains less than 0.3% THC. Remember to never use this as an alibi if you have a marijuana-derived CBD because transportation officers in most countries can test the difference. If you lie, you’re only putting yourself in so much trouble. Why would you go for a marijuana-derived CBD oil, anyway? When we have the highest quality of medical CBD oil extracted from the legal Hemp plant.
Non-Schengen countries that accept the medical Schengen declarations:
Do you still have some doubts? Maybe you want to learn more about medical CBD oil or you may be asking; “does CBD oil work for pain and anxiety?” Click the links to find out. Maybe are interested in some of our medical CBD oil products? Don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll do our best to help you!

Cannabidiol Laws and Regulations
Is CBD oil legal in Ireland? What about in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world? There is no need to worry about Ireland laws because even cannabis-based CBD products are fully legal. On the other hand, as previously mentioned, public transportation in the United States is regulated by the TSA and they were pretty clear that their officers won't actively look for weed or its derivatives. You can see the full statement on the TSA website, along with the part where they announced that:Products/medications that contain hemp-derived CBD or are approved by the FDA are legal as long as it is produced within the regulations defined by the law under the Agriculture Improvement Act 2018.So, yes, that means that you can bring CBD products on a plane as long as they are extracted from the Hemp plant.

Where Are You Traveling?
To make sure that possessing CBD products won’t get you into trouble, do your research on time and get to better know the laws of the state you are traveling to. For some countries, you will need to have a medical certificate, but you can always write to the customs of the country you are visiting and check. The best way to do it is through the website of the airport. For other countries, you will need to apply for a Schengen Statement for your medicine... and while you are doing your research, here is a small help from us—the list of the most common holiday destinations where the medical Schengen declaration is valid:- Belgium
- Denmark
- Germany
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- The Netherlands
- Norway
- Austria
- Poland
- Portugal
- Slovenia
- Slovakia
- Spain
- The Czech Republic
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
- Ireland
- Croatia
Can You Bring CBD Oil on a Plane?
The answer always depends on the country you are visiting and their laws. If you are traveling with marijuana-derived CBD, be careful because you might face some problems if you are traveling somewhere Cannabidiol is still illegal. It’s always a good idea to bring a copy of the lab results that can show officers in the country that your CBD products contain less than 0.3% THC. Also, if you are taking your CBD oil with you, check the general requirements for bringing liquid substances. We recommend to keep your CBD product in its original package and don’t try to hide it so it doesn’t look suspicious. Are you still unsure where to put your CBD products? Should it be in your handbag or the luggage? Contact the airport of departure and ask for help.
Certificate of Analysis (COA) of Your CBD Product
Sometimes, even when the label displays say that the products are THC-free, they might still contain some dose of THC which would make them illegal. To avoid such issue (especially those dogs at the airport), review your product before purchasing it and check its COA or lab report to confirm the amount of THC in it. If the dose is fine, print it as a confirmation and have it with you during your flight or when you’re on a road trip.
Traveling with CBD Internationally
Traveling internationally means a lot of security screenings and if there is any concern or if you are skeptical about the legality status of medical CBD in a certain country, don’t take this risk. Even when your cannabidiol oil doesn't contain a high dose of THC, it’s still not worth the problems that it might cause in a country where it is not yet accepted. It can be legal in your country and you can have a prescription from a doctor, but the law of another country might still see Cannabidiol as a highly dangerous and illegal substance—make sure to do some extensive research when going abroad with CBD products.The Cannabidiol Bottom Line
You and your medical CBD oil are totally safe and legal in Ireland! In many cases, CBD products can be taken carefree on road trips and holidays because of their low THC. However, don’t skip the research before your travels and do everything you can to make sure that you will be safe, physically and legally, along the way.